Saturday, April 5, 2014

Moses Family- Palm Desert Family Photographer in the Central California Coast

A week or so ago, I had the distinct privilege of being able to drive about five hours up the California Coast line to pick up my own kids who were visiting with their aunt, uncle, grandmother, and cousins. While I was there I made it an excuse to squeeze in a partial family shoot. 

It had been a while since I had seen them. Our last attempt at a Christmas  get together had ended up in their entire family being quarantined at my mother-in-law's house. 

Kids have this amazing way of forgetting to stop growing and changing. It is just unfathomable to believe that 12 years has passed since the first one was born. 

I chose to leave in the scrapes and bruises. This is how they look 90 percent of the time anyway.
They do their own stunts you see.

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